Current members

Former members

  • Samuel Castillo, PhD CNRS/LIP6
  • Jean-Philippe Cointet, INRA researcher
  • Jean-Baptiste Leenart, freestyle developper
  • Simon Murail, Developer, CNRS/ISC-PIF
  • Camille Roth, Sciences-Po Researcher


Digital Humanities and Social Systems Dynamics

TINA is a research group gathering researchers and engineers from various higher education and research institutions which relies on the ISC-PIF infrastructures to seize the new opportunities in digital humanities for the reconstruction and modeling of social systems dynamics.

Infrastructures supporting TINA projects :

  • Climate Change: a set of tools to better understand climate change issues.
  • Community explorer: explore the complex systems community, map your scientific landscape.
  • Gargantext: interactive mapping of science
  • Multivac: Big Data platform with over 100 billions of data that offers real-time REST APIs, interactive notebooks for large-scale data processing, machine learning, deep learning, NLP, etc. over cloud-based Hadoop/Spark cluster.

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