Digeing living maps

DIGEING is producing all along the project knowledge maps based on state-of-the-art and, in 2022, contributions from scholars about prospective.

Two kind of visualization :

  • static maps with direct access to the most relevant documents,
  • phylomemies that highlight the evolution of the domain over decades.

Digeing maps are elaborated recursively with the input of the scientific community working on digital media and human well-being.

April 2023

This is the final state-of-the-art map as it can be browsed in GarganText. It has been established collaboratively from a corpora of about 60k documents covering all aspects of the DIGEING roadmap. This map is a first order map (links between terms are representing the confidence metrics).

July 2021

For this map, we have integrated several keywords from the advisory group by combining the following queries :

Part 1
AB= ((“social media platforms” OR “online communication” OR “Digital Media” OR “social media” OR “social networking site” OR “online social networks” OR “facebook” OR twitter OR “recommender systems” OR “screen time” OR “augmented reality” OR “virtual reality” OR “smartphone”) AND …

Part 2

  • (“digital natives” OR “digital heritage” OR “cultural diversity” OR minorities OR LGBT OR “community support”))
  • (“quantified self” OR “self-reporting” OR “health app” OR “tracking” OR “periods” OR fertility OR “health data” OR “sentitive data” OR “protected data” OR “confidential information”))
  • (“policy advocacy” OR “human rights” OR “sex workers” OR “sex rights” OR privacy OR “fair conditions” OR “digital labour” OR “virtual work” OR “online education”))
  • (“digital enclosure” OR “echo chamber” OR “filter buble” OR “exclusion” OR “digital commons” OR “peer production” OR “platform cooperativism”))
  • (“social justice” OR “political participation” OR “e-democracy” OR “access to information” OR “access to knowledge” OR “open data” OR “inclusivity” OR “open governance” OR “open governement” OR “open access” OR “open science” OR “decision fairness” OR “black box” OR “critical media” OR “digital capitalism” OR “cryptography” OR “human centric” OR “citizen centric” OR “employment” OR “freedom of speech” OR “surveillance” OR “ethics” OR “media regulation”))

In this map, several new issues have appeared in comparison to the first map:

  • virtual/augmented reality;
  • ethics associated with digital media and in a particular for those that use artificial intelligence,
  • privacy and decentration issues.

May 2021

Query 1 : 6,691 records for : (“social media platforms” OR “online communication” OR “Digital Media” OR “social media” OR “social networking site” OR “online social networks” OR “facebook” OR twitter OR “recommender systems” OR “screen time” OR “augmented reality” OR “virtual reality”) AND (“well-being” OR happiness OR sadness OR brain OR neuron* OR disbeliefs OR distrust OR misinformation OR “fake news” OR disinformation OR infox OR propaganda OR “opinion dynamics” OR “collective behaviours”)

This map V1, although incomplete, depicts a scientific landcape that goes from the individual level (mental heath, adolescents, etc.) to the collective level (propaganda, misinformation), with some social networks bridging the two level.

Then this map has been presented to the members of the advisory board who identified some missing areas through the proposition of new keywords.