Big Data: What I am thankful this Thanksgiving!

big data at iscpif

Big Data platform at ISCPIF: This list represents what I am thankful to this Thanksgiving

  • Elasticsearch You know for search!

This is the heart and the soul of our discovery and curiosity. The first step of every data analytics is finding the right data. Behind every great data discovery there must be a great search engine 🙂 And this is where Elasticsearch comes to the rescue with all its advanced real-time data analytics and powerful full-text search abilities built over Apache Lucene.
ISCPIF Big Data platform uses Elasticsearch and its built-in distributed and high availability feature with over 900 million documents indexed in order to facilitate data discoveries and explorations for our researchers and scientific partners.

So I am thankful to Elasticsearch for the past 2 years, which made my life much easier and made me a better engineer.
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