David Chavalarias

David Chavalarias is a CNRS Director of Research at the Centre d’Analyses et de Mathématiques Sociales and Director of the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France. His researches are interdisciplinary, at the crossroad of the social sciences, mathematics, computer sciences and new technologies. He is particularly interested in the new possibilities offered by new technologies and the advent of Big Data to explore the diversity of social and collective dynamics. He is the author of several installations designed to make our collective dynamics tangible.

Website : http://chavalarias.org

Jonathan Pêpe

Jonathan Pêpe was born in 1987, Toulouse (France). After studying drawing, photography and installation for several years at the School of Art of Rueil Malmaison and at the Ecole nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges, he was in residence at Fresnoy – national Studio of contemporary arts, 2013-2015. In his work, Jonathan explores and diverts the organic forms; soft; flasks; inform that we find in the nature; in the science; the architecture…Today he lives and work in Lille.

Website : http://jonathanpepe.tumblr.com

Thibaut Rostagnat

Thibaut Rostagnat was born in Nice (France) in 1988. His regular practice of arts at the municipal school Villa Thiole brings him to enter Lyon School of Fine-Arts (ENSBA Lyon) in 2007. In his films and installations, he creates worlds drowning in sunlight, suspended in time, where only architectures project the shadows where technologically obsolete creatures can evolve and take shelter. In 2013, he enters Le Fresnoy – Studio National where he directs the animated short films ouroboros and Rituel du pantin.

web site : thibaut-rostagnat.tumblr.com