24 Hour Science Map Event Let’s learn about maps!
Date(s) - 12/12/2021
1:00 am
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24 Hour Science Map Event Let’s learn about maps!
This event will highlight science maps and macroscopes and celebrate both the Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit and the publication of the Atlas of Forecasts: Modeling and Mapping Desirable Futures, the final volume in the Atlas trilogy. Over the course of 24 hours, scholars and practitioners from around the globe will present and discuss their work and we will feature behind-the-scenes videos, demonstrate valuable tools and methodologies, and have fun celebrating maps and macroscopes!
We hope the event will help kickoff the holiday season, create ever more excitement for the power and value of science, share the pleasures of scientific discovery, and give good energy to all on this planet who have been affected by the ongoing pandemic.
Zoom link : https://iu.zoom.us/j/88288500826