Selected running and past projects
- Le Politoscope, projet ISC-PIF, 2016 –
- Gargantext, Multi-partner projet, Scientific Coordinator (2013 -).
- Mapping Covid-19 Research, in collaboration with APHP and CRESS (Isabelle Boutron and Philippe Ravaud) (2020-… )
- A research agenda on Digital Media & Human Well-Being, Coordinator of the European Tender (2021-2022) in collaboration with the Université Ca ‘Foscari de Venezia and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- NODES, Narratives Observatory combatting Disinformation in Europe Systemically (2022-2024)
Softs and platforms

Gargantext is an open collaborative platform for unstructured text corpora analysis and exploration.
Online projects

It's time to dive into climate change !

Municipales 2014
Quelle est la mesure de civisme de votre commune ?

Risk research
All the risks at a glance, terrific !