
Tinasoft is a software for interactive science mapping that goes from the raw texts to interactive maps. This project was supported by the FP7 project TINA – FP7-ICT-2009-C – project number 245412 (Oct 2009 – March 2011).

Tinasoft is no more maintained. It’s successor is Gargantext. The new version of Tinaweb is now Tinaweb JS.

Tinasoft has two complementary parts :


A web application to explore online or off line bipartite graph.

  • Immediate installation.
  • All platforms
  • customizable

Tinasoft desktop

A desktop application to text-mine corpora, build maps and explore the resulting networks.

  • Available on Linux (optimized for Ubuntu), Window  (64 & 32) and Mac.

Github repo

Tinasoft is distributed under the GNU GPLV3 Licence.