Your first map in 10 min (Part 2/2): Improve your map


Gargantext does not aim to have the last word on what a good map of knowledge is. It is designed to give the user,  at every moment and at every level of granularity, the possibility to contribute to the delineation of the topic to be mapped. Thus, the knowledge maps proposed in Gargantext should be thought as a particular representation of a body of knowledge that is co-constructed between Gargantext and the user(s).

A map is the coupling of :

  • a corpora, defined by the user
  • a list of terms defined by the Gargantext AND the user called the map list
  • a set of measures made by Gargantext (relations between terms, quantitative measure on terms) based on these latter two elements.

The main source of improvement of an analysis and the corresponding maps is the modification of the list of terms that can take place at three levels.

Document level

When reading a document in the document view, you can add an remove on the fly terms from the ‘map list’ and the ‘stop list’. Select any expression in the text and follow the indications in the tool tip. The terms that are part of the map list are highlighted in green in the document view.

Snapshot of the document view. Add and remove terms from map list.

Snapshot of the document view. Add and remove terms from map list.