SARIMA Congress 2019 : how data mining could help to foster collective intelligence in science and technology

Date(s) - 04/09/2019
12:00 am

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SARIMA Congress 2019

Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset-West, Western Cape, South Africa

Mining the digital traces of our society : how data mining could help to foster collective intelligence in science and technology

Abstract : The development of new types of socio-economic activities on digital media led to the constitution of huge electronic corpora that are one of the major components of the Big Data revolution in humanities and social sciences. Such corpora are both a reflection and, perhaps even more importantly, a crucial part of the ubiquitous processes of distributed knowledge creation constantly occurring in many contexts: scientific communities, patent and technologies networks, online collaborative platforms, blogs, wikis, etc. In parallel, we can witness an intense activity in mathematics and computer sciences toward Big Data analysis with the development of high performance computing and data processing platforms as well as new methods to perform text-mining or complex and multiplex networks analysis. The combination of these two major trends paves the way toward large scale analysis of large digital corpora, which bears on significant scientific challenges in several fields including linguistics, distributed processing, complex networks analysis and information visualization.

This talk will present new approaches of the exploration and mining of large digital corpora with numerous examples showing how these methods can be applied to build macroscopes, these devices envisioned by Joel De Rosnay in 1975, that are nowadays help us to better understand our collective dynamics.

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