ISC-PIF is developing a set of research support and open access (OA) services for researchers affiliated to one of its partner organizations. With the exception of residences, these services are free of charge. Research support is allocated on a project basis (PB) by the ISC-PIF steering committee via light and rapid procedures.

To access our services, you must apply online.

If you do not work in one of our partner institutions, but nevertheless wish to use some of our services, please write to contactcom_at_ iscpif.fr.

High Performance Computing and Big Data

Understanding complex systems requires specific tools; ISC-PIF offers several ways to lower the technological barriers toward accessing these resources:

  • [PB] Infrastructures: host your projects in the ISC-PIF cloud (network, servers, storage, memory…).
  • [OA] Platforms and Software: Use our online platforms as freely accessible web services: text mining with Gargantext, modeling and distributed computing with OpenMOLE, Big Data analysis with Multivac, literature analysis in neuroscience with LinkRbrain.
  • [OA] High Performance Computing (HPC): distributed computing and modeling on grid and cloud.


Join our incubator for residency/project hosting and benefit from its dynamic and interdisciplinary environment ! As a resident, you have access to all our services (listed below), you benefit from our engineers assistance and you are fully integrated to the life of the institute.

Research residencies [PB]

ISC-PIF proposes scientific residences in its premises in rue Nationale (Paris 13e) for scientists and research groups who wish to benefit from a dynamic research environment:

  • individual or team residence,
  • access to all our services: technological platforms, training, conference and seminar rooms, communication services.

Artistic residencies [PB]

Artists with an artistic and scientific project related to the themes and/or technologies developed at the ISC-PIF can apply for a residency between one week and one year (renewable):

  • individual accommodation,
  • access to all our services: technological platforms, training, conference and seminar rooms, communication services.

Events and Communication

Our mission is to help researchers promote and share their work in the academic world and with the general public:

  • Share your news via the ISC-PIF website, our social networks and newsletter,
  • Host your Blog/website under wordpress [SP],
  • Book a room for your events: amphitheatre ([PB], 131 seats), conference room ([OA], 49 seats), meeting room ([OA] 12 seats).

“La danse des bulles de savon”, spectacle organisé par le Laboratoire Matières et Systèmes Complexes (Université Paris Diderot) dans l’auditorium de l’ISC-PIF (2019).