Monday: 9H30-18H (Gargantext Overview)
Morning (Introduction)
- Welcome (9H30): presentation of self
- Current Gargantext
- Real use case in action (DC,AD,FP)
- Scientific Methodology (DC,AD)
- Structure of code (AD)
- Future of Gargantext
- phylomemy (DC)
- dashboard / metrics (FP)
- collaborative feature (AD)
Lunch at the “cantine”
Afternoon (Code)
- front-end overview (SK, AS)
- dashboard wishes (DC,FP,AD)
- Target: make the dashboard (AD,SK,MN,AS)
Tuesday 9H-18H (Terms management)
Morning (discussion)
- Terms list in action, use case (DC)
- Terms list code (AD)
12H photo session (portrait+group)
Lunch at ISC (bring your lunch)
Afternoon (Code)
- Front-end: Terms list Facet
- Front-end: Annotation view
Dinner in restaurant
Wednesday 9H-18H (Data management)
Morning (discussion)
- Haskell backend (AD)
- Orchestrator (NP)
Lunch at the “cantine”
Afternoon (code)
- Haskell workshop
Thursday 9H-18H (Graph explorer)
pancakes made by Nathalie 🙂
Morning (code)
- Graph explorer integration (to be confirmed)
- Haskell backend (AD)
Lunch at the “cantine”
Afternoon (code)
- Purescript hackaton
Indian Dinner at ISC (Abinaya cooking, to be confirmed)
- kitchen at ISC is ok
- Chappathi
- noodles
Friday 9H-16H (Haskell Workflow)
Morning (code)
- Code session: workflow in Haskell
Afternoon (discussion)
- future contract/collaboration (DC, AS, SK, AD)
16H bye bye