A new generation of intelligent machines that understand “cause and effect” – a major step towards a true trustworthy AI.
Causal AI systems combine multiple predictive and causal models, understand the business context and manage uncertainty, enabling AI systems to solve complex analytical challenges.
Human rationalize the world by thinking in terms of cause and effect — if we understand why something happened, we can change our behavior to improve future outcomes. Statistics describe the world but are limited help to engage to actions; causal AI distinguishes correlation and causality to become a tremendous help to understand the world and make accurate decisions.
Our R&D team has deep roots in Causal AI science. We develop a state of the art Causal AI core technology based on Bayes Nets and our in-house built C++ algorithm acceleration toolbox.
Our product line Projector is designed to make building and using our Causal AI technology incredibly simple through an intuitive graphical user interface and a collaborative approach.
Inscription : fabienne (point) cazalis (at) ehess (point) fr
Site internet de la manifestation : https://www.scalnyx.com/technologies