iReceptor Plus consortium aimed to create a uniform and distributed system for data storage and analysis focused specifically on sequencing experiments of multimillion sequences of highly diverse and complex immune receptors expressed by B and T cells. Unlike other repositories of biological data already in existence (ELIXER, IHEC etc.) the data being measured and stored for Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoires sequencing data is in some sense quite simple. However, because of the importance of B cells and T cells and their population diversity for health and disease the metadata surrounding these experiments can be quite diverse. We combined in this international consortium experts in data storage, computational immunology, clinical immunology and immunotherapy development. This transdiciplinary consortium based its work on various AIRR-seq data repositories which follow B cell and T cell populations found in Cancer, Autoimmunity, across multiple tissue types, infection states and species. The associate metadata types are thus highly diverse, including cell phenotype, transcriptomics and clinical information, and required a flexibility of characterization which calls for interaction with the existing ontological and metadata analysis attempts of the existing EU infrastructures (e.g., BBMRI-ERIC, ELIXIR) and other on-going initiatives (e.g., International Consortium for Personalised Medicine, European Open Science Cloud, IHEC, the french LabEx Transimmunom, ….). This meeting marks the end of the first round and aims at envisionning the perspectives to foreseen funding and valorozation opportunities.
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