6th international conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction – IHCI 2014

The international conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI) is a forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results at the crossroads of human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, signal processing and computer vision. It brings together engineers and scientists from around the world. Its proceedings are published by major scientific editors.

The IEEE approved 6th edition in the series, IHCI 2014, was held in Evry (near Paris), France, on December 8-10, 2014. Theoretical, practical and application-oriented contributions are invited.

Topics of interest include signal and/or vision-based interaction, intelligent Interfaces and applications.

The proceedings have been published by Elsevier in open access on ScienceDirect.com.

Type de projet : 
Manifestation Scientifique


Site de l’événement

Mots clés :
Human-computer interaction, Artificial intelligence, Signal processing, Computer vision

Organisateur :
Patrick Horain
Telecom SudParis
Institut Mines-Telecom – IMT