The recent ICT revolution has given birth to a parallel world of digital traces.  This change affects a wide number of contexts of collaborative knowledge creation, from casual discussions, political arguments, to scientific elaboration and participative decision-making.

Science has been the first domain to experiment this shift to a stigmergic society.  No need to recall the ongoing and yet already old history of scientific publications databases construction and use. For the first time a whole community of practice including scholars, decision makers and possibly any concerned citizen has been able to get an insight into current scientific research.  Despite the amazing richness of most of these catalogues (whether they are or not free or public), users have been limited to a more or less sophisticated query-based search-engine mediated access to bibliographical notices.  The current challenge is to design and develop innovative tools to access this knowledge in order to enable users with new methods of navigation, interaction and data visualization of this kind of databases.


This workshop is organized by the FP7 project TINA – FP7-ICT-2009-C – project number 245412. TINA is a project of the TINA Team at the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France (ISC-PIF) and the Center for Research in Applied Epistemology (CREA), CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique.


Organizing Committee

  • Jean-Michel Besnier, Scientific Director of Science and Society sector, Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.
  • Julian Bilcke, CREA/ISC-PIF, CNRS
  • David Chavalarias, Co-director of the Complex Systems Institute of Paris IdF, CREA/CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique,
  • Jean-Philippe Cointet, INRA SenS, IFRIS, CorText, ISC-PIF
  • Daniel Da Rocha, ISC-PIF,
  • Camille Roth, CAMS, EHESS/CNRS
  • Elias Showk, CREA/ISC-PIF, CNRS


  • Daniel Da Rocha, ISC-PIF,


  • Noemi Abrecia, ISC-PIF